Modern day demands can feel somewhat like we are living on a rollercoaster and barely holding on. If you are struggling to cope with feelings of overwhelm, nervousness, shock and grief on a daily basis you are not alone.
Daytime Revive has been scientifically formulated for full strength support for feeling calm, centred and in control during the day. It is a truly effective way to gain rapid relief, resiliency and a new perspective to help you navigate any challenge. Whether you need support during exams, presentations, traumatic events, life changes or navigating difficult relationships or break ups, Daytime Revive is your new best friend.
Rest assured this 100% natural formulation is non-addictive and non-drowsy containing the perfect blend of science based ingredients including:
• 18 Herbal Medicines is a unique blend of calming, relaxing herbs along with energising herbs so you get a natural “lift” but feel calm and in control at the same time.
• 1 Homeopathic formulation specifically supports the adrenal glands for balanced stress and energy levels.
• 9 Flower Essences complete this beautiful blend to support you to inspiration, uplift and a new perspective when you need it most.
Strength of Ingredients
18 Herbal Medicines:
Bladderwrack, Cayenne, Chamomile, Damiana, Gentian, Ginger, Lavender, Lime flowers, Liquorice, Milk thistle, Panax ginseng,
Passion flower, Rhodiola, Rosemary, Skullcap, Vervain, Withania, Zizyphus
Homeopathic Preparation:
Adrenal Matrix Blend
9 Flower Essences:
First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand
Grander living water, Non-palm glycerine and Food grade ethanol